Join discussion for SETAC position paper on ISO 14040/44
August 25, 2017 by ILCA
Currently, the ISO TC207/SC5 are considering options for making amendments to the ISO 14040/44 standards to overcome the largest problems in the current standards. One of the topics that are considered for an amendment is a text to clarify how to apply 14044 for attributional and consequential LCA, respectively, and some explanations on the respective application areas for the two modelling approaches.
Since SETAC is a liaison to ISO and was instrumental in writing the current text (represented by the SETAC-Europe LCA group Chair Helias Udo de Haes), the SETAC Life Cycle Assessment Coordinating Group has decided to develop a SETAC position paper on this issue.
Discussions on this will be initiated at a one-day workshop on the day before the SETAC-Europe LCA Case Studies Symposium in Barcelona, Sunday 26 November 10:00–17:00.Please note that participation in this event requires a SETAC membership.
Here at ILCA we look forward to see many of you in Barcelona our lovely hometown.