Join discussion for SETAC position paper on ISO 14040/44
August 25, 2017 by ILCA
Currently, the ISO TC207/SC5 are considering options for making amendments to the ISO 14040/44 standards to overcome the largest problems in the current standards. One of the topics that are considered for an amendment is a text to clarify how to apply 14044 for attributional and consequential LCA, respectively, and some explanations on the respective application areas for the two modelling approaches.
Since SETAC is a liaison to ISO and was instrumental in writing the current text (represented by the SETAC-Europe LCA group Chair Helias Udo de Haes), the SETAC Life Cycle Assessment Coordinating Group has decided to develop a SETAC position paper on this issue.
Discussions on this will be initiated at a one-day workshop on the day before the SETAC-Europe LCA Case Studies Symposium in Barcelona, Sunday 26 November 10:00–17:00.Please note that participation in this event requires a SETAC membership.
Here at ILCA we look forward to see many of you in Barcelona our lovely hometown.

Academy Award sponsors 2017
August 7, 2017 by ILCA
We are pleased to announce that Elsevier and Springer have accepted to be sponsors the 2007 Academy Awards at the upcoming SETAC‑Europe LCA Case Study Symposium.
We hope to see you at the SETAC‑Europe LCA Case Study Symposium, perhaps you will win the award?

New edition of IO and hybrid Life Cycle Assessment course
July 6, 2017 by ILCA
Here at ILCA we are happy to announce that there will be a 2018 edition of the successful IO and hybrid Life Cycle Assessment course with associate professor Jannick Schmidt, University of Aalborg, Denmark. The course will be held in Barcelona 22-24 January 2018.
The course gives a thorough introduction to one of the most advanced and detailed hybrid IO-databases: Exiobase v3, which has both monetary and physical balances for 168 industries in 49 countries and country-groups. The physically balanced layer has been designed, built and maintained by Jannick and his co-workers.
This course also explains Input-Output Analysis in general, and how this is the only way to ensure completeness life cycle assessment (LCA). In the hybrid approach, IO databases provide the completeness, which is then supplemented by detailed bottom-up data to the desired level of detail – making this a powerful tool both for screening and full LCA.
Become fully versed in the hybrid approach with this course. Read more about Jannick Schmidt here.
Save the date – Case Study Symposium
March 19, 2017 by ILCA
Make sure you have noted 27th-28th November 2017 in your calendars to visit beautiful Barcelona for this years two-day LCA Case Study Symposium. It is the 23rd in the row of SETAC-Europe LCA Case Study Symposia, this year arranged in cooperation with the International Life Cycle Academy.
The topic is Consequential LCA for decision support, and the programme consists of 6 plenum sessions on the topics detailed below, each composed of 7 oral presentations and around 45 minutes for a moderated plenum discussion.
- Consequential LCI modelling
- EPDs/PCRs: Solving the compatibility problem
- LCAs for due diligence, social responsibility, and environmental management
- Model uncertainty and quality assurance in LCA
- Challenges and tools for teaching consequential LCA and communication of results
- Consequential modelling in policy-making, global Input-Output databases, and economic models
There will be no parallel sessions.
This year we will also test a new concept for poster sessions: Posters will be produced, reviewed and presented electronically; symposium participants can view posters in advance of the symposium and choose (by prioritised web-reservation) which posting presenters they wish to interact with during the posting sessions that takes place each day during the lunch break.